Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dow , commodities, sensex 4thaug2010 analysis

Wheat : most bullish,  BIG MOVE ABOVE 690$ 

Dow Jones: big target 10915 ( further to come later ), now support @ 10600 range ( on closing basis )

Comex Gold $ : 1199-1210 $ range is a huge hurdle. 
Comex Silver is highly bullish then comex Gold.

MCX (weekly targets )
Gold : resistance @ 18150-200 ( sell on rallies )
Silver : resistance @29400  & 30200 max . 
Zinc : resistance @102

Sensex and Nifty are rallying as expected last week.  
Many Index large caps have become weak. 

HUNGRY for a rally and HIGHLY  oversold. 

updated : 4th aug2010